Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Winter Pen For the Nigerian Does

Even though it is still under construction, I let the girls play in the winter pen for a while this morning while I was working. It hasn't started raining yet so the pen they spend most of the year in hasn't started to get muddy, but a huge olive tree keeps it shady for most of the morning this time of year. They loved playing and lounging in the upper pen in the sun!

Juliette figured out how to reach a few more leaves off the oak tree.

My little Wallaby was the only one brave enough to try out the new platform swing and she was delighted to have it all to herself.

The winter pen is a bit smaller than the one they are used to so I plan to only move them up there for the really soggy months. The winter pen has better drainage and a variety of structures where they can get up off of the ground. I am also hoping to get some good plant growth going in their larger pen while they are on Winter Holiday.

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