Guernsey Does

I purchased Juliette as a baby, on a whim, back in 2018 when ADGA was meant to add Guernsey Goats to their herdbook. At the time I knew little about Guernseys, just had always admired their look. Juliette ended up being oops-bred by my Nigerian buck and kidded with twins on her first birthday. From the very start I was impressed by her ease of kidding and mothering skills- and Holy Cow, the milk production! I can easily milk off half a gallon any time of day I please while she is raising triplets full time. After weaning I milk her once a day and she holds steady at 3-4 quarts for ages. In 2022 I milked her through and she was still giving 3 quarts every morning at 20 months fresh! And her milk tastes just as mild and creamy as Nigerian Dwarf milk. Despite ADGA still not getting their act together with Guernsey registration, I have NO regrets adding Guernsey goats to my herd.

Both Forest and Vale are MiniGuernseys, sired by my Nigerian buck with fantastic will-to-milk genetics as well, so I am excited to see if they carry on the Guernsey traits I love but in a slightly smaller package.



Ensemblage Crement






Sire: Piru Creek Mtnman

Dam: Badger-Creek Hillary

Westfarthing Forest (sold)


Sire: Westfarthing Jazz

Dam: Ensemblege Sophie (Pending)

Westfarthing Vale


Sire: Westfarthing Jazz

Dam: Ensemblege Crement

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